The Andrew Turnbull Mozilla Network

Mozilla Thunderbird Archive

Please note: Due to various complications (such as an influx of dead links), this page is no longer updated or maintained. Visit the main page to reference the newest release of Mozilla Thunderbird.

[Mozilla Thunderbird icon]
Release Date
[Windows logo]
Windows 95+/NT+
[Mac OS X logo]
Mac OS X
[Tux the Penguin]
July 2006 Thunderbird 2.0 alpha 1 (6.2 MB) Thunderbird 2.0 alpha 1 (10.9 MB) Thunderbird 2.0 alpha 1 (10.6 MB)
November 2006 Thunderbird (6.0 MB) Thunderbird (17.7 MB) Thunderbird (10.1 MB) More...
September 2006 Thunderbird (6.0 MB) Thunderbird (17.7 MB) Thunderbird (10.1 MB) More...
July 2006 Thunderbird (6.0 MB) Thunderbird (17.7 MB) Thunderbird (10.1 MB) More...
June 2006 Thunderbird (6.0 MB) Thunderbird (17.7 MB) Thunderbird (10.1 MB) More...
April 2006 Thunderbird (6.0 MB) Thunderbird (10.6 MB) Thunderbird (10.1 MB) More...
January 2006 Thunderbird 1.5 (6.1 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 (10.7 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 (10.1 MB) More...
October 2005 Thunderbird 1.5 beta 2 (6.0 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 beta 2 (10.7 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 beta 2 (10.1 MB) More...
September 2005 Thunderbird 1.5 beta 1 (6.0 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 beta 1 (10.9 MB) Thunderbird 1.5 beta 1 (10.3 MB) More...
July 2005 Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 2 (6.0 MB) Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 2 (11.0 MB) Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 2 (10.0 MB)
June 2005 Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 1 (5.9 MB) Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 1 (10.6 MB) Thunderbird 1.1 alpha 1 (9.7 MB)
April 2006 Thunderbird 1.0.8 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.8 (10.7 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.8 (9.9 MB) More...
September 2005 Thunderbird 1.0.7 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.7 (10.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.7 (9.9 MB) More...
July 2005 Thunderbird 1.0.6 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.6 (10.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.6 (9.9 MB) More...
July 2005 Thunderbird 1.0.5 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.5 (10.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.5 (9.9 MB) More...
March 2005 Thunderbird 1.0.2 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.2 (11.4 MB) Thunderbird 1.0.2 (9.9 MB) More...
December 2004 Thunderbird 1.0 (5.7 MB) Thunderbird 1.0 (11.3 MB) Thunderbird 1.0 (9.9 MB) More...
November 2004 Thunderbird 0.9 (5.7 MB) Thunderbird 0.9 (11.3 MB) Thunderbird 0.9 (9.9 MB) More...
September 2004 Thunderbird 0.8 (5.8 MB) Thunderbird 0.8 (11.0 MB) Thunderbird 0.8 (9.9 MB) More...
August 2004 Thunderbird 0.7.3 (5.9 MB) Thunderbird 0.7.3 (10.3 MB) Thunderbird 0.7.3 (9.5 MB) More...
July 2004 Thunderbird 0.7.2 (5.9 MB)
June 2004 Thunderbird 0.7.1 (5.9 MB) Thunderbird 0.7.1 (10.7 MB) Thunderbird 0.7.1 (9.5 MB)
June 2004 Thunderbird 0.7 (5.9 MB) Thunderbird 0.7 (10.6 MB) Thunderbird 0.7 (9.5 MB)
May 2004 Thunderbird 0.6 (7.9 MB) Thunderbird 0.6 (10.6 MB) Thunderbird 0.6 (9.7 MB) More...
February 2004 Thunderbird 0.5 (7.5 MB) Thunderbird 0.5 (11.0 MB) Thunderbird 0.5 (10.5 MB) More...
December 2003 Thunderbird 0.4 (7.5 MB) Thunderbird 0.4 (11.1 MB) Thunderbird 0.4 (9.9 MB) More...
October 2003 Thunderbird 0.3 (7.3 MB) Thunderbird 0.3 (11.1 MB) Thunderbird 0.3 (9.7 MB) More...
September 2003 Thunderbird 0.2 (7.3 MB) Thunderbird 0.2 (11.1 MB) Thunderbird 0.2 (9.5 MB) More...
July 2003 Thunderbird 0.1 (8.9 MB) Thunderbird 0.1 (10.6 MB) Thunderbird 0.1 (9.2 MB) More...

Notes on potentially dead links

The Mozilla FTP "server" automatically refers requests to one of a large number of mirrors to alleviate server loads. Lately, all Thunderbird releases prior to version 1.0 were withdrawn from many of the main servers. Thus, these versions may appear to be dead links more often than not.

If you need to download one of these software releases but cannot, the least I can do is suggest waiting a while and trying again. The link may refer you to a server that still carries it.

Notes on terminology

Alpha: Starting with the development of Thunderbird 1.1/1.5, the first interim software releases are given the Alpha designation. Many of the more significant or risky changes to software occur in the Alpha development stage. Several successive alpha software builds are released.
Beta: During this stage, new features and other significant changes are usually finalized while development shifts to bug fixing and stabilization before a final software release.
Release Candidate (RC): Recently, interim software releases have usually been released shortly before a final Thunderbird version is released. These versions, called Release Candidates, allow feedback to be collected from users for bug fixes and other improvements implemented in the final release of a given software version. I have not listed Release Candidates in the above chart, although they are sometimes visible on's FTP server.

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Last update December 10, 2006.